I am extremely honored to have been awarded NUS’ College of Design and Engineering (CDE) Oustanding Early Career Award 2023, for my recent achievements in research and teaching. I would like to acknowledge the support of all my collaborators here at NUS and around the globe, as well as all the incredible work by my students that allowed me to stand out and be awarded this prize. There is also no “I” in “researcher” (nor in “educator”), and I would like to take this opportunity to express how lucky I feel to work with and be surrounded by such great people!
On a more personal note, I would like to thank my parents and my sister, as well as my friends in Singapore, Australia, the US, and Europe/Switzerland, for their continued support all these years, many of them despite the distance and time differences. Last but certainly not least, I dedicate this award to my wife Anna, who has been helping and supporting me at every step along the way, and without whom I would not be where I am today!
Kristen said it best: “Build your tribe! They will keep you alive,” and I am truly grateful for the tribe I am a part of and have helped build! I cannot wait to embark on the next research and engineering projects with my collaborators and students and grow our community further by building new bridges with more great people/groups/companies around the world!